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Here you will find current and past research project, don't hesitate to reach out if you have any interests or questions!


Imaging the Velocity Structure of the Galapagos Plume-Ridge Interaction

I am currently working on this project. The Galapagos Plume has complex geometry, and current geodynamic models cannot explain the distribution of plume material in the crust. An S-wave velocity model for the region has been published (Villagomez 2014), but no P-wave model exists to date. I am using teleseismic P wave delay times with the goal of creating a velocity structure of the region. Because of the olivine rich mantle, anisotropy likely effects the seismic velocities and is necessary to consider when inverting for seismic velocities. The Marine IGUANA experiment will soon (June 2024) collect more seismic data for the region, and this study will help prepare a workflow for this new seismic experiment. 


Communicating Volcanic Hazard when threat of Eruption is Low

I am currently working on this project! I am rigorously searching peer reviewed articles about communicating volcanic hazard when an eruption is not imminent. Taking results from these different studies, I will create a document for scientists to reference so they can create effective communication material about their project, without having to research these studies themselves.


Velocity structure of the Santorini Volcano

This is a project I'm currently working on! I am producing a detailed seismic velocity structure for the Santorini arc volcano and nearby Kolumbo seamount. Using local earthquake data around the volcano, I'm creating a velocity model of the upper crust that includes S waves to help us better constrain the lithology and melt content of the region. Publication to come soon, exciting results are in the works!

Structure of the Lithosphere across the Appalachians and Central US

At the University of Georgia, I worked under Rob Hawman to utilize the US array data to map variations in the structure of the crust, and identify boundaries.

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